FGMC Celebrates 25 Year Anniversary
25 Years! It’s an incredible number, especially in the professions. We are so proud 25 years have passed and our partnership is stronger than ever. We survived Y2K, 9/11, multiple administrations, the Great Recession, and a worldwide pandemic. We have raised families, lost parents, had grandchildren, traveled the world, reached incredible highs, and suffered heart-breaking losses. Through it all we have provided unmatched advice, counsel, and professional services to our clients, supported our community, maintained friendship and loyalty to one another, and unwaveringly adhered to our core values.
For a partnership lasting 25 years, FGMC began in a very inauspicious way. It was late 1999, Bob and Danny had become friends and were referring cases to one another in their young solo practices. Bob was looking to move his law practice due to a difficult landlord and asked Danny if there was space available in his building. There wasn’t any, but Danny wanted to move also. So they met up (where else?) at Zaidy’s Deli in Cherry Creek to have lunch and discuss office sharing. Neither were good at math, and after unsuccessfully working on a formula for dividing expenses, they decided to just form a partnership and split everything equally. The first big decision of the Firm (which did not require a quorum of the Management Committee) was whose name should be listed first. Like all Fosters, Danny thought his name should be first for numerous but specious reasons. Bob agreed F comes before G in the alphabet and conceded, but also received the bigger office in exchange. Thus, the law firm of Foster & Graham, LLP was born on January 1, 2000.

January 2000

January 2025
We leased a small office in Cherry Creek and hired an 18 year-old receptionist—who is now an empty-nester with two grown children of her own! After a few months, we hired our first associate. Unfortunately, he had to work across the hall because our office was too small. After about a year, we needed more room and found a building in the Golden Triangle, which we purchased with some investors. In 2003, Danny’s brother David came down with an awful case of FOMO and begged to join us. Calisher arrived six months later, in January of 2004, and still claims that was when we became “a real law firm.” Milstein, always a bit slow on the uptake, arrived in 2006—when Foster, Graham, Milstein & Calisher, LLP was born.
Over the course of the past 25 years, we have seen many law firms close their doors for various reasons. We believe FGMC has been successful where others weren’t because we are friends first, law partners second. We have created something unique and special. Our success is mainly due to the exceptional people who have joined us over the years. We also feel fortunate to have generated work through our deep and long-standing relationships with friends and colleagues. Of course, we are extra proud of the work we have done for innumerable clients over the years, which has led to the greatest compliment of all—client referrals.
We hope and expect FGMC to continue for another 25 years and beyond—when Gary Lozow will be managing the Firm with our children!
Please be on the lookout for the date of our 25th celebration open house.

David Foster, Danny Foster, Dan Calisher, Michael Milstein, and Bob Graham
(Pictured From Left to Right)
Our People
FGMC is a unified team of dedicated, experienced, and energetic attorneys as committed to one another as we are to each client. We are here for the long haul, dedicated to the success of our clients, and deeply involved in our community. We also offer each other expertise, guidance, and support. This approach ensures the best collaborative thinking on behalf of our clients.
Jay Morse
Stephen Klein
Mallory A. Revel
Julie M. Behrman
Drew Demers
Mark H. Boscoe
Elliot D. Fladen
Erik N. Carlson
Chip G. Schoneberger
Gary Lozow
Julia Koren
Nate Mortensen
Kristin A. Decker
Evan J. Husney
Katie A. Roush
Amelia Stefan
David Wm. Foster
Steven Wienczkowski
Lindsey Idelberg
Michael G. Milstein
Lawrence G. Katz
Mikhail L. Laskin
Daniel Calisher
David J. Dansky
Michael J. Gates
Lori Kalata
Adam J. Burg
Danny S. Foster
Mike Rollin
Michael Bullock
Gary A. Kleiman
Lauren E. M. Thompson
Steven M. Weiser
Deirdre Oss
Courtney C. Weber
Robert Graham
John Chanin
Jennifer Recktenwald
Practice Areas
FGMC offers services across a diverse range of legal specialties. A unique strength of FGMC is the way in which one practice area will inform another, yielding a team of professionals with expertise in one area and specialized resources in many others. Our representation is aggressive, skilled and efficient and collaboration among our lawyers is essential to our clients’ satisfaction.