Personal injury attorneys with experience in serious injuries | Denver personal injury attorney

Denver Personal Injury Attorney

Should my attorney have experience with my particular injury?

Having dealt with a certain injury in previous cases can serve as valuable experience. Hiring a knowledgeable lawyer can make all the difference. Danny Foster, a Denver personal injury attorney, has seen many types of cases — from whiplash, to cervical fusion, and almost everything in between. He is an experienced, focused, driven attorney, ready to help.

“Any personal injury attorney must have a strong working knowledge of medical conditions. They must have a good understanding of the type of injury that the client has, or else you can’t understand what they’re going through, and you can’t understand what’s going to be necessary to get them whole.

At our firm, we have handled injuries across the board. We’ve handled traumatic brain injury case, we’ve handled spinal cases, in many cases we’ve handled cervical fusions. We’ve handled medical negligence cases where individuals suffered from severe sepsis due to medical malpractice. We have handled cases as simple as a whiplash injury up to the most complex failure to diagnose cancer cases. We’ve handled mild brain injury cases. We’ve handled severe brain injury cases. We’ve handled ruptured disc, we’ve handled herniated discs. We’ve handled compound fractures of legs, compound fractures of arms. We’ve handled broken teeth. We’ve handled virtually every type of injury that a human being can suffer and we have done extremely well to compensate all of our victims to make sure that they were financially made whole for their injuries.”

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