What Is White Collar Crime?

What Is White Collar Crime?

Colorado attorney Gary Lozow explains white collar crime.

For more information, contact Colorado law firm Foster Graham by phone at (303) 333-9810.

“The best definition is: usually white-collar work has to do with some financial type of crime, so the accusation really resonates some area of fraud. Securities fraud, financial fraud, bank fraud, theft, business thefts, business losses, tax work, criminal tax work, Medicaid fraud work–generally that involves some degree of fraud or the taking of money or the unlawful conversion of money, some version of that.

That has kind of its moving parts, too. I’ve represented people again in tax cases, gambling cases, federal gambling cases, securities fraud cases, identity theft cases so white-collar accusations have a lot of moving parts, as compared to a murder case or property crime or a crime of violence.”

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