“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller, 1985
These are of course the iconic words of one of the 20th century’s greatest philosophers and those words ring more true the older one gets. January, 2020 marks the 20th year of Foster Graham Milstein & Calisher, LLP and it seems like only yesterday that Bob Graham and I started a small, two person, law firm during lunch at Hops Brewery and Restaurant (incidentally that Cherry Creek establishment vanished years ago and was replaced with a ten story apartment building, but I digress). I still vividly recall the day I opened up my own law practice right after leaving the Denver D.A.’s Office and eight months before partnering with Bob – “Daniel S. Foster, LLC” officially opened on April 20, 1999, a horrific day as that coincided with the Columbine tragedy. The plethora of school shootings and lives lost to senseless violence that have followed in the past twenty years is one of few things I wish I didn’t have to look back on. When we started the Firm, Bob was freshly married and I was only engaged. Now we both have our oldest children heading to college next Fall. Yikes!
Over the past twenty years at FGMC, we have had the opportunity to work with hundreds of talented and amazing attorneys and support staff, as well as work in four different offices starting in Cherry Creek, then moving to the Golden Triangle (where our building was incidentally demolished and turned into the Clyfford Still Museum), 17th Street and then finally back to Cherry Creek where we were fortunate to buy a wonderful office building that had stunning views of the Rocky Mountains, Downtown to the West and Shotgun Willie’s to the East. Now we have panoramic views of apartment buildings. We aren’t complaining (their kitchens and bathrooms look very nice), but it sure is shadier than it was before.
Of all the things we recall over the past twenty years at FGMC, the fondest memories we have are those of working for the thousands of clients who have come into our offices for help. You have enriched our lives and we hope we have helped you through important and serious issues in your personal lives and business activities. We have had far more successes than failures, and we have learned so much from every client that we have had the privilege to serve. This coming year, we will honor all of our past and current clients and friends with an anniversary celebration in the spring. Vis it in the weeks and months to come to learn more about our law firm and our 20th anniversary celebration. We might even post some fun stories and videos as we take a nice long walk down Nostalgia Lane. If you wish to see a taste of some nostalgia, please feel free to click this link to watch our 10 year anniversary video . I can’t believe THAT was 10 years ago and that I was forced (actually I volunteered) to record a rap! I apologize in advance to all of you who watch the video.
Thank you for being such an important part of our lives and our professional journey. The older I get, the more Ferris’ words ring true. I don’t want time to stop, but I sure do wish it would slow down a little, so I can savor it just a little bit more.

Danny and Bob circa March 2000 at the first Open House of Foster & Graham, LLP at 155 South Madison Street.