A Few Lucky Breaks Save Gary Lozow’s Life

As reported last Monday, April 16th, Gary Lozow was involved in a car accident when a driver ran a red light and hit Gary Lozow’s SUV, forcing his SUV to land upside down in Cherry Creek.

Mr. Lozow was on his way to Zaidy’s Deli, where for 10 years he has joined a group of attorneys and judges for breakfast.

Mr. Lozow’s first lucky break came when he decided to drive his wife’s SUV that morning instead of his convertible Audi. His next break was that the accident occurred across the street from Denver Health Hospital. A few security guards heard the accident and ran to the scene. They were among the saviors, who braved the cold water temperatures to help pull Gary Lozow from his vehicle.

According to Gary Lozow’s wife, Gary was conscious when he landed upside down in the water and remembers banging on the door and window in an attempt to get out. Shortly after he was thought to have lost consciousness and was not breathing when pulled from the SUV. Mr. Lozow was revived by CPR and rushed to the hospital.

After spending three days in the hospital, Gary Lozow was released back to his home. Mr. Lozow suffered three broken ribs and a broken bone in his left hand but is very thankful to be alive.

Mr. Lozow’s wife claims that Gary practices law “24/7” and, true to form, as soon as he got home Gary immediately began placing phone calls to district attorneys and probation officers to discuss his clients.

Everyone here at FGMC is thankful Gary Lozow only suffered the injuries that he did, when they could have been much worse. We also wish Gary a speedy recovery. Our deepest heartfelt thanks go to the rescuers who helped save Gary’s life.

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